
The library is committed to provide quality information resources and services that meet the curriculum needs of our students. The library also assists in fulfilling the diverse information needs of our entire colleges community and serves as an integral part in developing the skills used in lifelong learning.

In addition, each teaching department has its own library where books and research journals, mainly in the respective specialized areas provided.

Our library provides a comprehensive range of collections covering specialized books, academic journals and reference materials with educational study at colleges. The library plays a vital role in reviewing lecture more deeply and broadly for students and enhancing general culture and field work.

We do hope that more and more students utilize the library in order to deepen routine study and enhance themselves.

The Library on the Orange Tree ANM School of Nursing is a well organized one with an adequate and good collections of books. It is fully equipped with modern tools of learning such as Computers, CD, CD-Roms, LCD projectors.