Why Choosing Orange Tree Nursing College?


The college has a highly appreciated teaching facility, who believes that good education is the root of a highly successful professional career. The college conducts regular examination, so that the students have a feedback and can work harder to get better. The teaching methods adopted promote multi disciplinary inquiry and practical applications of problems. Interactive methods of teaching are employed so that there is a high degree of interaction between the students and the teacher in the classroom.


The college is situated in a serene atmosphere, surrounded by various top institutions such as the Alagappa University and Alagappa Chettiar Engineering College etc, making the location ideal for academic persmits. The college has well established library with digital facilities so that each student can work up to them maximum potential.

Excellence in Professional Field

The college is run by the Orange Tree Educational and Charitable Trust. The entire trust structure consists of people of who are having experience in diverse professional fields such as medicine and Nursingetc, it is this professional excellence that has made the college and students to realize their excellence in various professional fields.

Ethical Values

We at Orange Tree ANM School of Nursing strongly believe that the student to be successful, not only needs good education and professional practical experience, but also good ethical values to reach out to the society and serve, we at Orange Tree ANM School of Nursing Of Nursing, groom our student in building such values, after which these students blend well with the society thus bringing fame to themselves and the institution they studied in.